Leading into the future

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Chapter 6 - Leading into the future

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Wisdom is rarely owned by one person alone.


Welcome to the Leading into the future page


What is Leading into the future about?


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The goal of Leading into the future

Creation of the proper physical and intellectual context so all internal and external stakeholders can contribute to realising the company's strategy regarding the global environmental and social situation.


Science about dominant idea’s in leadership
  • Some of us are born leaders, have 'it' and others do not
    • Research has shown that certain personality traits are helpful, but above all, effective leadership behaviour can be learned and leaders are shaped by life
  • A good leader is masculine, dominant, charismatic, assertive
    • Research has shown that teams that have to work on complex assignments (such as your daily business work) are not served by an extroverted, confident, dominant leader
  • Individuals with power or hero stories are leaders
    • Research has shown the need for a more open definition of leadership, as an organization and society we need the leadership of many, narrowing leadership down does not help with this
  • The importance of 'motivation to lead' is crucial for taking on leadership
    • Research has shown the equally importance of the focus on the group interest
  • Leadership is about daring to appropriate leadership for yourself (the process of claiming and granting)
    • Research has shown that leadership is also about the group and their favourability factor towards you
  • Leadership is fixed, here and now
    • Research has shown that leadership is something dynamic and shared – ideally leadership is picked up and passed on depending on context and time, but it is important that people continue to discuss what is expected of the leader of the team and the leaders in the team
Content source
Antwerp Managment School




The dynamics of Leading into the future comes from long-term thinking and ethical decision-making

To overcome paralysis and inaction, decision-making for the long-term needs:

  • Stepping back and consider all options, both near term and long term
    • This is because gathering information in our environment can cause us to become so focused on the immediate situation that we overlook the broader possibilities
  • Rather than focus on binary outcomes, which rarely play out, we should consider the full spectrum of possible effects and assign probabilities to each
    • Embrace paradoxical and probabiltic ways of thinking
  • "Possibilities always exist." Even in the worst of situations, opportunities and ethical choices can be made




The enterprise elements related to the Leading into the future framework
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Your leadership is embedded in your current real situation

On the Inner focus level, from the Leading point of view, you will have to deal with elements of Organisational futuring:

  • Motivation
  • Collaboration
  • Managing
  • Governance

And, of course the inner elements of Corporate futuring:

  • Long term thinking
  • Supporting
  • Steering
  • Appreciation
Two questions are key:
  • Where are we now?
  • What is the direction to take?


A third 'upward' dimension emerges

On the Other focus level, the question arises about personal and organisational values

The affiliation exists with Organisational futuring:

  • Talent development
  • Learning organisation
  • Process management
  • HR management
Two questions are key:
  • How do we grow together?
  • What relationships do we enter into?


On the Outer focus level, an affiliation exists with Corporate futuring:

  • Operational Strategy
  • Financial management
  • Commercial management
  • Business model
The Key question is:
  • What is the next step to take?


Next page: Leadership connection
