Learning organisation

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Chapter 3 - Experiential Growth Method® - Deeper dive - Action field

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Photo by Griet Nijs Antwerpen 2022 (1).jpg


Welcome to the Learning organisation page


What is the learning organisation?

The Learning Organisation can cause one major error: the Learning organisation becomes an end its own right, confusing an emergent property with a manageable cause.

Organisational learning is about how

  • organisations select and encode routines
  • organisation expands its repertoire of actions, and they focus on how knowledge is acquired and distributed
  • shared interpretations of reality

When its members learn an organisation’s capability may be enhanced.


Thinking about the concept

A visual thesaurus search is always an excellent starting point to discuss a concept definition:

Thesaurus - ENG
Thesaurus - Synonyms, Antonyms, and Related Words (freethesaurus.com)



Relations of Learning organisation within Organisational futuring (and Corporate futuring)


EGM - Of - Learning organisation - 3D - ENG.jpg


There exists a close vertical relationship within Organisational futuring:

  • Outer focus: Requisite organisation
  • Other focus: Learning organisation
  • Inner focus: Collaboration


On the Other focus level, a close relationship exists with:

  • Process management
  • HR management
  • Talent development


Corporate futuring and Organisational futuring intertwine, on the Other focus level, through:

  • Operational management
  • Organisational structure
  • Ethical decision making
  • Performance


In concrete terms, this means:

  • The trio - 'Collaboration', 'Learning organisation' and 'Requisite organisation' - is inextricably linked.
  • Your Learning organisation' contributes substantially to 'Process management', 'HR management' and 'Talent management'.
  • Furthermore, 'Learning organisation' is part of the Other focus level where 'Organisational-' and 'Corporate futuring' meet.



Questions we can ask ourselves when contemplating our Learning organisation

  • Support our 'Learning organisation', our 'Proces management', our 'Talent management' and our 'HR management'?
  • Is our 'Learning organisation' based on 'Collaboration'?
  • Is our 'Learning organisation' robust enough to generate a vialble 'Requisite organisation'?
  • Is our 'Learning organisation' keen enough to support 'Ethical decision making' and 'Performance'?
  • Is our Learning organisation a collider or a mediator between our 'Talent development' and our 'Process management'?




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Hand picked links
Scott H. Young Articles - Scott H Young ENG


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