Organisational futuring

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Chapter 5 - Organisational futuring

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In fairy tales we do what we will, in life we do what we can.


Welcome to The Organisational futuring page


What is Organisational futuring about?

Organisational futuring is the essential link between your entrepreneurial core (Leading into the future) and your corporate goals (Corporate futuring).

The situations where Organisational futuring offers an answer to core problems

Find out more about the organisational hurdles that you encounter in your organisational practice.




The goal of Organisational futuring

A human beings, we base our actions on relationships, but we are also fundamentally hierarchical. For this reason, we need a system to balance both. As an example, on the one hand, even self-steering teams are a form of organisation. However, on the other hand, we sometimes see highly bureaucratic silo-forming situations. Therefore, organisational futuring is about all elements necessary to balance your enterprise.




The dynamics of Organisational futuring comes from the interplay between the organisation and its stakeholders

In the next "What" section, you find all the elements which are relational within your enterprise. Let us take hr management as an example. On the one hand, hrm is the go-between internal governance and external compliance. On the other, hrm infuences the organisational structure to enhance operations.

Organisational futuring can help to see the emerging structures when you have to deal with multiple stakeholders simultaneously. Therefore, this organisational perspective would help you deal with all internal and external stakeholders to realise your goals.




The enterprise elements related to the Organisational futuring framework
EGM - Scaffold - Organisational futuring - ENG.jpg

Within the Experiential Growth Method®, these action fields are part of Organisational futuring:

  • Outer focus
    • Human capital
    • Requisite organisation
    • Activa- & enablers management
    • Compliance management
  • Other focus
    • Talent development
    • Learning organisation
    • Process management
    • HR management
  • Inner focus
    • Motivation
    • Collaboration
    • Managing
    • Governance

