Process management

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What is process management?

The term process comes from the Latin word processus or procession, which translates as a performed action of something that is done and how it is done. Therefore, a process is a collection of interrelated tasks and activities that are initiated in response to an event that aims to achieve a specific result for the consumer of the process.

A business process is a collection of tasks and activities (business operations and actions) consisting of

  • employees, through HR managment, Talent development & Learning organisation
  • materials & machines, through Activa- & enablers management
  • systems, and methods, through Managing

that are being structured in such a way as to design, create and deliver a product or a service to the consumer.


Thinking about the concept

A visual thesaurus search is always an excellent starting point to discuss a concept definition:

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Relations of Process management within Organisational futuring (and Corporate futuring)

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There exists a close vertical relationship within Organisational futuring:

On the Other focus level, a close relationship exists with:

Corporate futuring and Organisational futuring intertwine, on the Other focus level, through:

In concrete terms, this means:

  • The trio - 'Managing', 'Process management' and 'Activa- & enabalers management' - is inextricably linked.
  • Your 'Process management' contributes substantially to 'HR management', 'Talent development' and 'Learning organisation'.
  • Furthermore, 'Process management' is part of the Other focus level where 'Organisational-' and 'Corporate futuring' meet.



Questions we can ask ourselves when contemplating our Process management

  • Supports our 'Process management' our 'Learning organisation', our 'Talent management' and our 'HR management'?
  • Are our processes based on management standards?
  • Is our 'Process management' robust enough to generate a vialble 'Activa- & enablers management'?
  • Is our 'Process management' keen enough to support 'Performance' and 'Operational management'?
  • Is our 'Process management' a collider or a mediator between our 'Learning organisation' and our 'HR management'?



Working with Process management in relation to other departments in the organisation

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Describing your business processes will provide you with advantages

  • It is a means for taking under employees, colleagues and (senior) management about change, investment, adjustments, reasons why mistakes happen, etc., without having to unwind any negative emotions.
  • It helps you to create a better understanding of what your customers really want.
  • It increases your understanding of the workings of your business.
  • It helps you to develop (further) a professional management system.


What are business processes?

Business processes realise your goals together with your employees and the installed infrastructure:

  • A business process is a series of strongly interconnected tasks.
    • Each task has at least one input and at least one output and executed by one function (role).
      • A function (role) is performed by an employee or by a team of employees.
  • Every business process has one objective which directly contributes to the strategic goals of your Business Unit (eg. invoices sent, trucks loaded, drivers trained, …).
    • From each process you can derive a good Key Process Indicator.
      • From each process you can pinpoint a good Key Performance Indicator.


You can structure processes according to their nature

  • Value-adding processes, (also called core processes).
    • Processes for which the customer really wants to pay.
  • Supporting processes.
    • Necessary processes to realize the value-adding (core) processes.
  • Other business processes.
    • These are business processes that currently neither contribute to business objectives, nor are supportive.