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Chapter 1 - Worldview

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Gödel Escher Bach

Welcome to the Reality page (the first building block)


Several contemporary areas of research have begun to blur the boundary between our theories of reality and reality itself. One clear example of this is the recent pedagogy in the social sciences, where it is often difficult to disentangle “social reality” from a model or theory of society. For example, does bounded rationality game theory describe strategic interactions in markets, or does bounded rationality game theory actually constitute the “social reality” of markets? A clear distinction between theory and the reality that the theory describes extends far below the social sciences to encompass deep, and by now, widely held disciplinary positions, from the anthropic principle or cosmological inflation, to the idea of generalized observers in adaptive systems (from natural selection to cultural evolution).

Content source
Santa Fe Institute - Investigating Reality – A Philosophical, Mathematical, and Scientific Exploration


Core ideas


Four Jacks and a Jill
Master Jack
It's a strange, strange world we live in, Master Jack

You taught me all I know, and I'll never look back

It's a very strange world, and I thank you, Master Jack

You took a coloured ribbon from out of the sky

And taught me how to use it as the years went by

To tie up all your problems and make them look neat

And then to sell them to the people in the street

You taught me all those things the way you'd like them to be

But I'd like to see if other people agree

It's all very int'resting the way you disguise

But I'd like to see the world through my own eyes


Basic principles about reality

  • On the biggest level the relationship between SPACE and TIME creates reality
  • Also at the most minor level, RELATIONSHIPS are decisive
  • One step further, energy FLOWS from LOW ENTROPY to HIGH(er) ENTROPY
  • Relationships and flow create SYSTEMS that are more or less inward or outward-looking
  • Systems need HIGHER ORDER SYSTEMS to ensure their own existence
