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Chapter 3 - Experiential Growth Method® - Deeper dive

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Welcome to the Steering page


What is steering?

In business, the steering is in the tracking, review and corrections of people, tasks, metrics and expected results. And it's often less obvious, and less dramatic, than the big picture. It often takes the discipline of details and consistency over time.

Tim Berry


Thinking about the concept

A visual thesaurus search is always an excellent starting point to discuss a concept definition:

Thesaurus - ENG
Thesaurus - Synonyms, Antonyms, and Related Words (



Relations of Steering within Corporate futuring (and Organisational futuring)


EGM - Cf - Steering - 3D - ENG.jpg


There exists a close vertical relationship within Corporate futuring:

  • Outer focus: Commercial management
  • Other focus: Operational management
  • Inner focus: Steering


On the Inner focus level, a direct affiliation exists with:

  • Supporting
  • Appreciation


Corporate futuring and Organisational futuring intertwine, on the Inner focus level, through:

  • Managing
  • Governance


In concrete terms, this means:

  • The trio - 'Steering', 'Operational management' and 'Commercial management' - is inextricably linked.
  • Your 'Steering' contributes substantially to 'Supporting' and 'Appreciation'.
  • To realise your 'Supporting' through 'Steering', you need 'Managing'. Even so, to realise your 'Apprciation', you need the right 'Governance'.



Questions we can ask ourselves when contemplating our Steering

  • Is our 'Steering' robust enough to be the basis for 'Operational management' and 'Commercial management'?
  • Is our 'Steering' capable to generate 'Appreciation'?
  • Is our 'Steering' keen enough to create 'Support'?
  • Or does our 'Steering' prohibit a relationship between our 'Appreciation' and our 'Support'? (See collider)


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