Strategy concept

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Understanding the Strategy concept


In this wiki we will try to distinguish between the strategic cycle and strategy as the second step in that cycle: vision, strategy, tactics, mission.

Many commercial, pseudo-scientific offerings misplace tactics for vision and strategy. Instead, they let you believe tactical actions will fulfil the company's mission and realise your (long term future) vision.

Strategy is primarily about thinking in systems, combining rational and creative thinking, and daring to face complexity. In this, we have to look for connections, opportunities and possibilities. Of course, strategic reality does not offer a fixed outcome. However, it does provide a better view of what is going on and helps you develop sharper perspectives on the future.

Our society has given us many freedoms. Everything is possible and allowed. But is that still the correct route for the significant issues we face? Aren't some solutions better, more sustainable, more ethical than others? We need to take a stronger stand on critical points about what is right and what is not and draw consequences from that.

How can we shape this in everyday practice? By bringing three questions back to your issues:

  • Do we have a sufficiently broad picture of what the issue entails, even outside our field of expertise? If not, who can help you broaden and deepen your view further?
  • If we set aside our gut feeling about what is right to do here, what interests, values, and goals drive our issue?
  • How do we develop our way of looking further towards a strategic, ethical and optimistic vision?


About strategic cycle methods

Thinking / deciding steps

All strategic methods emphasise one step of the strategic cycle (deciding) / empirical cycle (executing), starting from that point on. So it is good to know which one suits you best.

Starting point Vision Strategy Tactics Mission
Start Customer value Products & services Capacity & competences Enterprise value
Aim for Products & services Capacity & competences Enterprise value Customer value
DREAM MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab Sense Model Plan Act SMPA Rodney A. Brooks
THINK BPM Strategize Plan Monitor corrective Actions SPMA
Do Study Act Plan W. Edwards Deming
DECIDE Toyota Production System Plan Do Check Act PDCA
US Air Force Observe Orient Decide Act OODA John Boyd

Implementing / executing step

Starting point Vision Strategy Tactics Mission
Start Customer value Products & services Capacity & competences Enterprise value
Aim for Products & services Capacity & competences Enterprise value Customer value
DO 'Sturen op resultaat' Create Refine Align Finalize & Transmit CRAFT Anton Vanhoucke
Standard Do Check Act SDCA Kaizen
Personal Wish Outcome Obstacle Plan WOOP Gabriele Oettingen