Strategic cycle: tactics

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Strategic tactics

Welcome to the Strategic cycle: tactics page


The core view on tactics


Deciding the means by which a strategy is carried out; planned and ad hoc activities meant to deal with the demands of the moment, and to move from one milestone to other in pursuit of the overall goal(s).

A system or mode of procedure for doing something.

Tactics are the actual means used to gain an objective.



New Latin tactica, plural, from Greek taktika, from neuter plural of taktikos of order, of tactics, fit for arranging, from tassein to arrange, place in battle formation.



Approach, fashion, form, how, manner, methodology, recipe, strategy, style, system, tack, tactics, technique, way.


Related words

Mode, modus operandi; blueprint, design, game, game plan, ground plan, intrigue, layout, line, model, plan, plot, program, route, scheme; expedient, move, shift, step; practice (also practise), process, routine; policy.


In warfare

The art and science of fighting battles. It is concerned with the approach to combat, placement of troops, use made of weapons, vehicles, ships, or aircraft, and execution of movements for attack or defence. In general, tactics deal with the problems encountered in actual fighting. Tactical thinking attempts to coordinate personnel with the existing weapons technology and apply both to the terrain and enemy forces in a way that uses the fighting force to best advantage. Deployment involves placing each type of weapon where it can do the most damage to the enemy or provide the most protection to one's own forces. Timing and direction of attack are also important considerations. At sea, direction was especially crucial in the era of wind-powered warships. In recent wars, timing has been a crucial factor in mounting airborne strikes that take advantage of the element of surprise.



Capabilities, as the core concept of a 'tactical'-driven strategy


Capabilities refer to the resources, knowledge, skills, and abilities of an organisation or individual. These capabilities enable an organisation or individual to perform specific tasks or functions and achieve certain goal


Capabilities are essential because they can give an organisation or individual a competitive advantage and enable them to achieve success in their respective fields. In business, organisational capabilities include production processes, technological expertise, financial resources, and human capital. These capabilities allow an organisation to produce goods or services and compete in the marketplace. On the other hand, individual capabilities refer to an individual's knowledge, skills, and abilities. These capabilities can be developed through education, training, and experience, enabling individuals to perform specific tasks or functions and contribute to an organisation. Identifying and developing capabilities is crucial to organisational and individual development.



The dynamic & triangulated view on tactics


  • Capacity & capabilities/competences (Inside)
    • Capacity building (Outside)
    • Development (Outside)


Your company's TACTICS have to be able to:

  1. build capabilities & competencies,
    • In the context of your business, capabilities refer to the things your company can do well, such as producing high-quality products, delivering excellent customer service, or innovating new technologies. Capabilities can also refer to your company's resources, such as its financial resources, physical assets, and human talent. Understanding and effectively leveraging your company's capabilities can be essential for its success and competitiveness in the marketplace.
    • Competencies are the skills, knowledge, resources, and attributes that allow a person or part of your organisation to perform specific tasks or activities.
  2. while at the same time, realise capacity building
    • Your business' capacity refers to the maximum amount of goods or services you can produce or deliver within a given period. Capacity can be affected by several factors, such as the availability of raw materials, the efficiency of production processes, the availability of labour, and the capacity of equipment and facilities. When your business operates at or near its capacity, it can meet customer demand for its products or services. Still, it may struggle to handle a sudden increase in demand without expanding its capacity. On the other hand, when you are operating well below capacity, you may have an excess production capacity that is not being used, which could lead to inefficiencies and higher costs.
  3. and support the development of the enterprise.
    • Enterprise development is the process of your enterprises' (re-)creation and growth. This development can involve various activities, such as looking for financial assistance, training and education, business planning, or creating access to markets and networking opportunities. The goal of enterprise development is to become more sustainable, which can contribute to economic growth.



The results of the 'tactical'-driven strategic flow

When the company invests its tangible an intangible resources tactically, it tends to end up with the following:

  • the best products and services when there is an outside-in mentality.
    • A product is a tangible item that your company produces and sells to customers. A service is an intangible offering that your company provides to its customers. Services are activities or benefits your business offers your customers in exchange for money. You can sell both products and services or focus on just one or the other.


  • Instead, however, they tend to excel in enterprise development with an inside-out view.
    • Enterprise development is the process of your enterprises' (re-)creation and growth. This development can involve various activities, such as looking for financial assistance, training and education, business planning, or creating access to markets and networking opportunities. The goal of enterprise development is to become more sustainable, which can contribute to economic growth.


Tactics with an 'OUTSIDE-IN' (action) orientation


In this situation,

  • while enterprise value is what we hope for,
  • capabilities & competencies are the critical step, and
  • more than we wish for, we are stuck (looking for new) products & services.


OUTSIDE-IN strategic cycle in TACTICS-mode


Dynamic process view

  1. First action (OUTSIDE).
    1. (Sought for) enterprise capabilities & competencies)
    2. are deployed tactically to develop the enterprise.
    3. As a result, they provide value creation.
  2. Second focus (INSIDE).
    1. The customer value part is used to,
    2. enhance products and services.
  3. The hope is,
    1. that this cycle will lead in a natural way to enterprise value, but but to make this hope come true
    2. capabilities & competencies are the critical step to shift the mindset from tactics to mission.


Areas of concern

This (unique) tactical situation separates the enterprise in two systems:

  • (customer) value creation
  • and value appropriation (creating enterprise value).

This separation ensures peace of mind for those responsible for the two systems in the company.

Operations take care of

  1. entrprise development
  2. value creation
  3. customer value
  4. and products & services

and takes the tactical turn to start the cycle over and over again.

Business starts from

  1. capacity & competences
  2. to create enterprise value
  3. to start with value appropriation
  4. and more capacity building.

and takes the tactical turn to start the cycle over and over again.


Tactics with an 'INSIDE-OUT' (focus) orientation


In this situation,

  • while value creation is what we hope for,
  • products & services are critical, otherwise
  • we end up with (continuous) (organisational) development.


INSIDE-OUT strategic cycle in TACTICS-mode


Dynamic process view

  1. First focus (INSIDE).
    1. Tactical considerations force the organisation to look (primarily external) for capabilities & competencies,
    2. in the hope that they will provide enterprise value from the outset.
  2. Second action (OUTSIDE).
    1. The employees are deployed for enterprise capacity building
    2. and enterprise development.
  3. The hope is
    1. that this delivers the correct value creation, with the trap of falling into disconnected 'vision thinking'
    2. therefor, are products & services the critical step.
